Press Release: January 30, 2024

Silicon Valley Voters Want Local Officials to Prioritize Children and Families

Today, Choose Children 2024 and Silicon Valley Community Foundation released the results of a public survey that shows that four in five likely voters in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties want local elected officials to prioritize policies that make Silicon Valley a place where families with children can live and thrive.

Press Release: October 4, 2022

Santa Clara County Voter’s Guide Elevates Candidates Positions on Children’s Issues

The 2022 election season presents a renewed opportunity to focus on children’s issues. In an effort to help voters understand funding and policy decisions that impact children’s lives, Choose Children teams up with Kids in Common, Strong Start, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and the Santa Clara County Office of Education to launch an online Voter’s Guide on Children’s Issues at

Press Release: May 3, 2022

Public opinion survey indicates support for local efforts to reduce child care costs

Choose Children released the results of a survey that showcases the economic struggles felt by many voters in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties and the associated issue of the high costs and limited availability of high-quality child care.